
Embedding Plugin Pages

Embedding Plugin Pages

There are new, easy ways to enhance your posts about WordPress plugins. Pasting a URL to any WordPress plugin will now render an “oEmbed” visual preview of that plugin, as the team have enabled recently.

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New Policy Changes in WordPress Plugin Directory

If you are a plugin developer, then you should know that the Plugin Directory had a recent policy change regarding the notice displayed for old / un-updated plugins. Instead of a time-based warning, it is now a version-based warning.

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Quick Edit for Taxonomies: Guide for Custom Fields

Quick Edit allows users to update essential pieces of content in a fast and super user-friendly way. In this post I’ll guide you through creating your own Quick Edit field for Taxonomies. Give your users or clients the experience they deserve!

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Minimum Required PHP version

Minimum Required PHP version for Plugins

WordPress development is taking a big step forward to in encouraging adoption of up-to-date technologies, And this time its in the form of “Minimum PHP version” required to run a plugin. As of yesterday, plugin developers can set the minimum PHP version required in order to run their plugins.

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