Quicktags Generator


Use this tool to create custom Quicktags for the WordPress text editor.

WordPress Text Editor Quicktags


  • Fill in the user-friendly form.
  • Click the “Update Code” button.
  • Copy the code to your project.
  • Or save it as a snippet and share with the community.


If you are still learning how to use this tool, check out the following examples:

The function used in the code.
The html id for the button.
The html value for the button.
HTML starting tag or a callback function.
HTML ending tag.
Shortcut access key for the button.
The html title value for the button.
Button position in the toolbar.
Limit the button to a specific instance of quicktags.
The html id for the button.
The html value for the button.
HTML starting tag or a callback function.
HTML ending tag.
Shortcut access key for the button.
The html title value for the button.
Button position in the toolbar.
Limit the button to a specific instance of quicktags.
The html id for the button.
The html value for the button.
HTML starting tag or a callback function.
HTML ending tag.
Shortcut access key for the button.
The html title value for the button.
Button position in the toolbar.
Limit the button to a specific instance of quicktags.
The html id for the button.
The html value for the button.
HTML starting tag or a callback function.
HTML ending tag.
Shortcut access key for the button.
The html title value for the button.
Button position in the toolbar.
Limit the button to a specific instance of quicktags.
The html id for the button.
The html value for the button.
HTML starting tag or a callback function.
HTML ending tag.
Shortcut access key for the button.
The html title value for the button.
Button position in the toolbar.
Limit the button to a specific instance of quicktags.
  Save Snippet
// Add Quicktags
function custom_quicktags() {

	if ( wp_script_is( 'quicktags' ) ) {
	<script type="text/javascript">
	QTags.addButton( 'eg_paragraph', 'p', '', '', 'p', 'Paragraph tag', 1 );
	QTags.addButton( 'eg_hr', 'hr', '', '', 'h', 'Horizontal rule line', 201 );
	QTags.addButton( 'eg_pre', 'pre', '', '', 'q', 'Preformatted text', 111 );

add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'custom_quicktags' );