Or, embed this snippet using GenerateWP WordPress Plugin.



SocialApparatus Embed Plugin

Embeds a SocialApparatus social network in your wordpress installation.

=== SocialApparatus Embed ===
Contributors: socialapparatus
Tags: social, embed, social network
Requires at least: 3
Tested up to: 3.9.1
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPL 3
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

Allows a user to embed a social network from SocialApparatus

== Description ==
Don't just add social features to your website, add a full featured social network!  Learn more at SocialApparatus http://socia.us

This plugin provides a widget that allows you to place your social network anywhere you can place a widget.  You can also control the height of the embedded social network from the widget controls.

You may also embed your social network with the shortcode [socia_embed] any where you want your social network to appear!  The [socia_embed] shortcode accepts four arguments:

1.  height - defaults to '300px'
2.  width - defaults to '100%'
3.  float - defaults to 'none'
4.  margin - defaults to '10px'

For example, to embed a 200px wide, 200px high, left floating social network, with a margin of 20px, use this code:
[socia_embed width='200px' height='200px' float='left' margin='20px']

== Installation ==
Sign up for an account (if you don't already have one) at http://socia.us.
Once signed up, we will email you your wordpress embed code.
Enable the plugin.
Navigate to Settings/SocialApparatus, and enter the embed code from your signup email.

Use the shortcode [socia_embed] to embed your social network anywhere in your website, or use the provided widget.

== Screenshots ==
1. socia.us/images/wordpress.png