* Custom WordPress configurations on "wp-config.php" file.
* This file has the following configurations: MySQL settings, Table Prefix, Secret Keys, WordPress Language, ABSPATH and more.
* For more information visit {@link http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php Editing wp-config.php} Codex page.
* Created using {@link https://generatewp.com/wp-config/ wp-config.php File Generator} on GenerateWP.com.
* @package WordPress
* @generator GenerateWP.com
/* MySQL settings */
define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name_here' );
define( 'DB_USER', 'username_here' );
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here' );
define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );
define( 'DB_CHARSET', 'utf8' );
define( 'DB_COLLATE', 'utf8_general_ci' );
/* MySQL database table prefix. */
$table_prefix = 'wp_';
/* Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */
define('AUTH_KEY', '#6]C4]P6 .mRXR(1Zz?d #7`Y+&RKB}K>9wG4$');
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '9-F|;m9>^bm_40Z[x&-+UXqgI$gyt#|_|knvWm,)J|;/s^;^V|Y[ipfu5Xk{ ]q,y-K~f');
define('NONCE_KEY', '0-~ri,;e~Ve[0*9FeEz:@A({)[|xn]FoRoe^E+PeQcyv)b[?E0jKq8.ye}o_VBnN');
define('AUTH_SALT', '=DBv]O|tv-5zgyWcx/I%o#0oN4M|X_>$2-GgN$|Etum|Qry:Y:Bzk%|{t$&[^:*|');
define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'S45e9Mch/!ng3rGN7Jx,t.UA51mD--a$#T+_72gt|WhfgE]}*v2g4&64HO3X92X$');
define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'gmz#fxb0nwQ0O3+]~&)|5s+g(4Cuf(7Y^oV+iX3x~sx|G]54Mv3 Xw^E;DH+$r<-');
define('NONCE_SALT', 'yBS.75/lkXl#iWxV~7,PDzU:BuB2etS+Whwyp90{49N~heVL}EwI@7S`{QOv*FY|');
/* SSL */
define( 'FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true );
define( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true );
/* WordPress Localized Language. */
define( 'WPLANG', 'en_GB' );
/* Custom WordPress URL. */
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'http://www/11' );
define( 'WP_HOME', 'http://www/11' );
define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', 'http://www/11/cont' );
define( 'UPLOADS', 'http://www/11/images' );
define( 'WP_PLUGIN_URL', 'http://www/11/cont' );
define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'cistko' );
/* AutoSave Interval. */
define( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', '560' );
/* Specify maximum number of Revisions. */
define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', '3' );
/* Media Trash. */
define( 'MEDIA_TRASH', true );
/* Trash Days. */
define( 'EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS', '120' );
/* Multisite. */
define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', false );
/* WordPress debug mode for developers. */
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', false );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', false );
define( 'SAVEQUERIES', false );
/* PHP Memory */
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128' );
define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256' );
/* Updates */
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true );
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );
/* Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') )
define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
/* Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');