=== InstaWp ===
Contributors: ensar
Tags: instagram, instagram hashtag, instagram tags
Requires at least: 3.0.0
Tested up to: 3.8.1
Stable tag: 3.8
License: GPL3
License URI:
You can create shortcodes via InstaWp to display images from Instagram.
== Description ==
InstaWp lets you display medias from Instagram with simple shortcode uses. These shortcodes can be used in posts, pages, and widgets.
== Installation ==
1- Install the plugin
2- Activate the plugin on admin panel
3- Create an Instagram application on
4- Save your Api key and secret that you got from Instagram to your InstaWp Settings.
5- Paste the shortcode in your posts, pages, or widgets as [instawp hashtag="HashTag" count="16" header="true" columns="4"]
== Screenshots ==
1. Navigate to and create your Instagram Application
2. Copy your Instagram Client ID and Client Scret
3. Paste your Instagram Client ID and Client Scret to "Instawp Settings" under your Wordpress Settings