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Plugin Readme Snippet

=== Hide Login Language Selector ===
Contributors: SazM, sazmwsid
Tags: SazM, Language, Login, Selector
Donate link: https://paypal.com/SazM0
Requires at least: 5.9
Tested up to: 6.6
Requires PHP: 7.4
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv3
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

Hide the Language selector on the login screen.

== Description ==
The **Hide Login Language Selector** plugin is designed to enhance the user experience by removing the language selection option from the login screen of your application or website. This is particularly useful for sites that operate in a single language or want to streamline the login process.

*User-Friendly Interface*: Simple activation process that requires no coding skills.
*Compatibility*: Works seamlessly with most themes and plugins, ensuring a smooth integration.

*How It Works:*
1. Download the plugin from the repository.
2. Upload it to your application’s plugin directory.
3. Activate the plugin through the admin panel.

*Streamlined Login Process*: By hiding the language selector, you reduce distractions for users, making the login process quicker and more efficient.
*Consistent User Experience*: Maintains a uniform look and feel for users who interact with your site primarily in one language.
*Easy Management*: Easily toggle the feature on or off as needed without altering the core code.

After activation and configuration, test the login screen to ensure that the language selector is hidden as intended and that users can log in without issues.

This plugin is perfect for any site looking to simplify its login process while maintaining a focus on user experience.

== Installation ==
1. Go to your website’s WP-Admin dashboard.
2. Click on *Plugins* in the left menu.
3. Click on *Add New Plugin* at the top.
4. Select *Upload Plugin*.
5. Click *Choose file* and find the plugin .zip file on your computer.
6. Click *Open* to select it.
7. Hit the *Install now* button.
8. Once installed, click the *Activate* button to enable the plugin.

== Screenshots ==
1. Language selector display on the login screen.
2. Language selector hidden on the login screen.

== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
* Initial release.