Or, embed this snippet using GenerateWP WordPress Plugin.




on a certain page display a category list with exclusives categories

// Add Shortcode
function list_category_includer( $atts ) {

	// Attributes
	$atts = shortcode_atts(
			'page_id' => 'home',
			'include' => '60',
			'title_li' => '',

		 if (is_page($atts['page_id'])) {
		  	$html .= '<ul>';
		  	$html .= wp_list_categories(array(
		  		'include'=> array($atts['include']),
		  		//'depth' => $atts['depth'],
		  		//'child_of'=> $atts['only_children_of'],
		  		//'show_count'=> $atts['show_count'],
		  		'title_li'=> $atts['title']
		  	$html .= '</ul>';
		    return $html; 
		// readme
		// as i cant add here all parameters i want u see other parameters in comments.
		//[category page_id="the page id" (must-be) + include_cats="the categories to only include" or only_child_of="parentID" - only the children of given parents compatible with depth + show_count -> set to true is showing post count in the category title="the title to display = default : Categories"]

add_shortcode( 'category', 'list_category_includer' );