Or, embed this snippet using GenerateWP WordPress Plugin.




=== Add functions PHP Lite ===
Contributors: seripoyo0112
Tags: php,functions.php,dashboard,code,code-snippets,header
Donate link: https://seripoyo.work/add-functions
Requires at least: 5.9
Tested up to: 6.5.3
Requires PHP: 6.0
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

This is a Japanese plugin that allows you to customize each function of WordPress without editing functions.php by yourself.

== Description ==
- This plugin is a Japanese-made plugin that offers head tag removal, extensions, OGP settings, administration screen appearance adjustment, and simple security features without the need to directly manipulate functions.php.
- Functions can be easily enabled or disabled with a toggle button.
- Easy to adjust the color and font of the sidebar menu on the admin screen for an easy-to-read admin screen to suit your preference.
- The pages to be displayed in the side menu for each user can be configured, so you can easily implement the management screen for your clients at the time of delivery.
- Currently available are the following functions
    - Adjustment of head tag output
    - Simple security measures
    - Extended functions such as removing empty p tags, allowing SVG uploads, etc.
    - SEO functions
    - OGP settings
    - Adding code in various places
    - Appearance settings for the admin panel
    - Adjustment of admin menu output
    - Posting related extensions

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

== Installation ==
1. From the WP admin panel, click “Plugins” -> “Add new”.
2. In the browser input box, type “Add functions PHP”.
3. Select the “My Custom Style Css Manager” plugin and click “Install”.
4. Activate the plugin.


1. Download the plugin from this page.
2. Save the .zip file to a location on your computer.
3. Open the WP admin panel, and click “Plugins” -> “Add new”.
4. Click “upload”.. then browse to the .zip file downloaded from this page.
5. Click “Install”.. and then “Activate plugin”.