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Spectoos Readme File – WP

=== Spectoos ===
Contributors: spectoos
Tags: testimonial, testimonials, testimonial widget, testimonials widget, social testimonials, social reviews, customer testimonials, customer reviews, customer quotes, site reviews, site testimonials, wp testimonials, spectoos, faceboard
Donate link: http://www.spectoos.com/
Requires at least: 1.0
Tested up to: 1.0
Stable tag: 1.0
License: License / GPLv2
License URI: https://wordpress.org/about/license/

Add socially-proofed testimonials to your site by connecting to LinkedIn, collecting testimonials & displaying a stunning widget on your pages.

== Description ==
Spectoos testimonials lets you easily collect socially-proofed testimonials and display them on your website.

**What Are The Main Benefits Of Using Spectoos?**
1. CREATE STUNNING TESTIMONIALS IN 5 EASY STEPS: Spectoos lets you collect testimonials from your LinkedIn account and build a stunning testimonial widget that can be embedded on any page – all this in a matter of minutes.
2. BUILD TRUST WITH YOUR AUDIENCE: Showing a real person’s face which is linked to a genuine social profile means more credible testimonials that can be verified.
3. INCREASE YOUR WEBSITE CONVERSION RATE: By placing authentic testimonials on your key web pages you will increase trust with your audience. Getting your audience to trust you will drive a higher conversion rate and help grow your business.

**How It Works?**
  1. Connect to your social accounts and select the contacts you wish to ask for testimonials (currently only LinkedIn is supported).
  2. Collect authentic testimonials written by your contacts and decide which ones to showcase on your testimonials widget.
  3. Display your testimonials in a stunning widget showing rotating faces and clickable testimonials, by embedding the widget code or using a shortcode.

**Video Introduction**

[*Click to View a Live Testimonials Widget*](https://app.spectoos.com/public/spectoos)

**Main Features**
* Import contacts from your LinkedIn network.
* A 5-step wizard to help you create the testimonials widget for the first time.
* An easy-to-use dashboard to manage testimonials (approve, reject, view stats).
* An embeddable stunning widget with rotating faces and clickable testimonials that you can add to any page on your website.
* A public testimonials page you can share with others.
* Shortcode ready.
* Fully responsive (mobile-friendly).

Email us at [[email protected]] or communicate with us directly right from within the app. We promise to get back to you ASAP.

== Installation ==
1. Upload Spectoos-Testimonials folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
3. Visit Spectoos.com and start customizing your Spectoos testimonials widget (also known as Faceboard).

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
1. Do I need to sign-up with Spectoos in order to activate this plugin? [Yes]
2. How do I customize the widget? [You can start customizing your testimonials widget by logging into your Spectoos dashboard after plugin activation]
3. What social accounts are supported? [Currently only LinkedIn is supported]
4. Is the widget responsive? [Yes, the widget will automatically adjust itself to match any resolution on any device]
5. What are the widget dimensions? [The widget dimensions are set according to the display width and number of contacts, and can range from 900 pixels wide to 319 pixels wide]

If you wish to learn more please refer to our [FAQ page](https://www.spectoos.com).

== Screenshots ==
1. Live example of the Spectoos Testimonials Widget 
2. An inside look of our dashboard
3. The Spectoos Testimonials plugin setup page