Shortcode Attributes Code Overview Use this tool to create custom code for Shortcodes with add_shortcode() function. Usage Fill in the user-friendly form. Click the “Update Code” button. Copy the code to your project. Or save it as a snippet and share with the community. Examples If you are still learning how to use this tool, check out the following examples: [video_embed src=”” width=”” height=””] [img width=”” height=””] http://… [/img] [b] bold text [/b] [link-to-post id=””] [recent-posts posts=”5″] [cloak email=”[email protected]”] Tag Name Shortcode tag in the content. e.g. [tag] Function Name The function used in the code. Shortcode Type Enclosing Self-closing Self-closing shortcode: [tag] Enclosing shortcode: [tag]content[/tag] Attributes Yes No Enable attributes such as [tag foo="123" bar="456"]. Add Attributes Filter No filter (Default) Yes - Use tag name (Recomended) Yes - Use custom name Use "shortcode_atts_{$shortcode}" filter, to allow shortcode attributes filtering. Custom Filter Name Set custom filter name. 1st Attribute Name Attribute name. Lowercase. 1st Attribute Default Value Default value. e.g. [tag attr_name="default_value"] 2nd Attribute Name Attribute name. Lowercase. 2nd Attribute Default Value Default value. 3rd Attribute Name Attribute name. Lowercase. 3rd Attribute Default Value Default value. Code Custom code to generate the output.Should only "return" the text, never produce the output directly. Update Code Save Snippet
// Add Shortcode function ad_csv_import( $atts ) { // Attributes $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'sortcol1' => '', 'sortcol2' => '', 'sortcol3' => '', ), ); } add_shortcode( 'iodirectory', 'ad_csv_import' );