Plugin Readme Generator


Use this tool to create custom readme.txt file for your WordPress plugin.


  • Fill in the user-friendly form.
  • Click the “Update Code” button.
  • Copy the code to your project.
  • Or save it as a snippet and share with the community.


If you are still learning how to use this tool, check out the following examples:

The name of the plugin.
Comma separated list of usernames.
Comma separated list of tags.
Plugin license.
Plugin license URI.
The lowest WordPress version the plugin will work on.
The highest WordPress version the plugin test on.
The lowest PHP version required to run the plugin.
The subversion "tag" of the latest stable version, or "trunk". Default: trunk
Description in 2-3 sentences, up to 150 characters, no markup.
Plugin full description. No characters limit.
Plugin installation instruction.
Plugin frequently asked questions.
Screenshot description.
Screenshot description.
Screenshot description.
List versions from most recent at top to oldest at bottom.
Upgrade notices describe the reason a user should upgrade. No more than 300 characters.
  Save Snippet
=== Go Valid WP Plugin ===
Contributors: nfloval; fais
Tags: generator, qr code, validator, certificate, license, document, goods
Requires at least: 6.x
Tested up to: 6.5.5
Requires PHP: 7.2

is designed to manage and validate certificates within a WordPress environment. It provides an intuitive admin interface for generating certificates with unique keys and QR codes, viewing existing certificates, and managing CAPTCHA settings for enhanced security. 

== Description ==
Transform your business with our powerful WordPress plugin designed specifically for small and medium enterprises, institutions, and event organizers. Whether you're issuing certificates for webinars or training sessions, validating documents, or tracking goods and memberships, our plugin is the ultimate solution. It effortlessly generates QR codes for seamless validation and identification.
1)	Easy certificate generation with unique keys and QR codes.
2)	Comprehensive certificate management with bulk actions.
3)	CAPTCHA integration for enhanced security.
4)	Export capabilities to Excel and PDF.
5)	AJAX-powered form submissions for a seamless user experience.
6)	Responsive and user-friendly admin interface.

Admin Page for Certificate Management:
Add, view, and delete certificates.
Multiple add name or data using “;”
Generate certificates with unique keys and QR Codes.
Display QR Codes in a Data Table with export options to Excel, PDF, Print.
Bulk deletes selected certificates

CAPTCHA Settings:
Enable or disable CAPTCHA for added security.
Choose between Google reCAPTCHA and Cloudflare Turnstile.
Configure site and secret keys for the selected CAPTCHA type.

Data Table Integration:
Display certificates in a sortable and searchable table.
Export certificate data to Excel and PDF formats.
Select and manage multiple certificates with ease.

Responsive and User-Friendly Design:
Styled admin pages for a consistent and professional look.
Responsive form elements and tables for better usability.

== Installation ==
Plugin Name: Go Valid

Transform your business with our powerful WordPress plugin designed specifically for small and medium enterprises, institutions, and event organizers. Whether you're issuing certificates for webinars or training sessions, validating documents, or tracking goods and memberships, our plugin is the ultimate solution. It effortlessly generates QR codes for seamless validation and identification.

Go Valid is designed to manage and validate certificates within a WordPress environment. It provides an intuitive admin interface for generating certificates with unique keys and QR codes, viewing existing certificates, and managing CAPTCHA settings for enhanced security. The plugin includes features such as:
1)	Easy certificate generation with unique keys and QR codes.
2)	Comprehensive certificate management with bulk actions.
3)	CAPTCHA integration for enhanced security.
4)	Export capabilities to Excel and PDF.
5)	AJAX-powered form submissions for a seamless user experience.
6)	Responsive and user-friendly admin interface.
Admin Page for Certificate Management:
•	Add, view, and delete certificates.
•	Multiple add name or data using “;”
•	Generate certificates with unique keys and QR Codes.
•	Display QR Codes in a Data Table with export options to Excel, PDF, Print.
•	Bulk deletes selected certificates

CAPTCHA Settings:
•	Enable or disable CAPTCHA for added security.
•	Choose between Google reCAPTCHA and Cloudflare Turnstile.
•	Configure site and secret keys for the selected CAPTCHA type.

Data Table Integration:
•	Display certificates in a sortable and searchable table.
•	Export certificate data to Excel and PDF formats.
•	Select and manage multiple certificates with ease.

Responsive and User-Friendly Design:
•	Styled admin pages for a consistent and professional look.
•	Responsive form elements and tables for better usability.

Manual Instalation:

This is step is optional, it can be ignore, but it 
Set up Google reCAPTCHA
1)	Google reCAPTCHA : 
2)	Visit the Google reCAPTCHA website.
3)	Click on "Get started with reCAPTCHA."
4)	Log in with your Google account.
5)	Register your site by filling out the form: 

•	Label: Choose a name for your site.
•	reCAPTCHA type: Select reCAPTCHA v2 (Checkbox).
•	Domains: Add the domain(s) where you will use reCAPTCHA.
•	Owners: Add additional owners if needed.
•	Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service and click "Submit."
•	Copy the Site Key and Secret Key provided.

Configure CAPTCHA settings under the "CAPTCHA Settings" submenu to secure certificate generation

Set up Cloudflare Turnstile
1)	Go to the Cloudflare Turnstile website: 
2)	Sign up or log in with your Cloudflare account.
3)	Navigate to the Turnstile section and add a new site.
4)	Fill out the site details and domain.
5)	Copy the Site Key and Secret Key provided.
6)	Configure CAPTCHA settings under the "CAPTCHA Settings" submenu to secure certificate generation
1)	Go to Captcha setting
2)	Check list “Enable Captcha”
3)	Choose google reCAPTCHA or Cloudflare Turnstile
4)	Copy Paste Site Key and Secret Key from you google account or Cloudflare

Using the Certificate Validator Form:
•	Edit the page where you want to add the certificate validator form. Make sure the slug is “validate-certificate” or the page link like this
•	Add the following shortcode to the content area: [certificate_details], and as optional you can add also shortcode [certificate_validator]. Shortcode [certificate_validator] is to validate base on Key XXXX-XXX-XXX, its mean manually input. By adding these shortcodes to your WordPress pages or posts, you can easily integrate the certificate validation functionality into your website.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

== Screenshots ==
1. Main forms
2. Check Validation
3. Export

== Changelog ==
18.4.x : Add Google reCaptha and Cloudflare Turnstile
17.6.5 : Add print function, fix layout table
16.5.7 : Add pagination
15.4.1 : Add multinames function ';' and fix bugs generate
14.3.2 : Improve shortcodes functions 
13.2.0 : Seperate delete function 

== Upgrade Notice ==
Road Map Upgrade
- Bulk generate from excel/csv
- Canvas placing QR Code
- Editable from
- Advancement and alternative choice for Key Security Method