Improvements Roundup and a sneak peek to Meta Box Generator

Hello again from the GenerateWP team. We’ve been working on a couple of exciting things and we want to share them with you.

In the last few years the WordPress development process has changed. Today, many developers prefer to write custom code rather than use plugins. Our goal is to simplify the coding process, reduce development time and remove extra steps.

It seems like more and more developers use our tools on a daily basis. And as an important part of the WordPress development community we receive tons of feedback. Some users send us bug reports, others send feedback on how to improve our tools, and many more send great new ideas for new generators. The feedback comes from people that earn their living developing WordPress solutions, this is why we take each report or feedback you send us seriously.

Up until now we haven’t posted any bug fixes but we want to change that. For the last couple of months we updated our documentation according to your feedback, field descriptions were improved to make it easy for new users to understand what each field stands for in the final chunk of code. Furthermore, our generators have been improved – some of them became simpler, and others became more complex with more advanced fields and customization options. All based on your feedback.

Post Type Generator

The Post Type Generator had few simple updates, like changing the post type key length from 32 to 20, or adding new labels and clarifying the documentation on how to set icons or dashicons on post types. We also had more significant updates like extending “has_archive” parameter from a Boolean parameter to one that accepts custom archive slug in a new field.

Before it was a boolean field
Before it was a boolean field
Now you can set a custom archive slug
Now you can set a custom archive slug

Taxonomy Generator

The Taxonomy Generator extended with two new labels “view_item” and “popular_items“. We rearranged the entire labels tab by context – both in taxonomy and post-type generators.

WP_QUERY Generator

WP_QUERY Generator had a few improvements, now “post_type” and “post_status” output arrays, and we fixed a minor bug renaming the “tag_name” to just “tag“. It’s all user feedback, simple feedback but very important.

Theme Support Generator

Theme Support Generator had a few quick rounds of updates and improvements including support for the “title-tag” which you can read more about here.

Meta Box Generator

We are very exited to reveal a few screenshots from one of our new generators – the Meta Box Generator.

A glimpse to the Meta Box Generator
A glimpse to the Meta Box Generator
Object oriented code output
Object oriented code output
The Generated Meta Box UI
The Generated Meta Box UI

More then 80% of all the suggestions or feature requests were to add a Meta Box generator. The Meta Box Generator is currently in its final testing stages and is scheduled for release soon.

Summing it up

As always, your feedback is welcome, and, you can see we do listen and pay attention to each and every feedback or suggestion you give us, so keep them coming and make sure to follow up on new updates and improvements of existing generators and the release of new generators.

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Rami Yushuvaev

Rami Yushuvaev

I'm an entrepreneur, a web developer and a blogger. I’ve contributed code to each and every release since WordPress 2.8. I'm the Hebrew GTE responsible for the translation and the release of WordPress Hebrew version. The founder and several other WordPress related projects. I work mainly with Israeli startups and hi-tech companies, providing development services.


  • Ahmad Awais

    Hey Rami, metabox generator looks cool!


  • Gil

    Definitely looking forward to the meta box generator. Keep up the good work!


  • Travis Pflanz (@TravisPflanz)

    Super excited for the Meta Box Generator!


  • Will

    Thanks for these great tools. Total time saver. A request for your pile of requests: for the generators that have a lot of repeated content (like the word “Item” in the taxonomy generator), would you consider adding some JS mojo to find/replace the word “Item” with whatever you’ve entered into the first box? It could make some ‘educated’ guesses about Case and plurals.

    Happy to help implement this if the code for the generators is up on github or something. I looked around and couldn’t find it.


  • Pea

    Producing the code for these is a real pain. This generator will be super useful! thanks!


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